03 Resources



a topic or theme of ongoing interest

Research and other notes about things that interest you. They're concepts, not projects.


put personally relevant information in Areas, and generally useful information in Resources



These are my resources, as defined by PARA. Ideally eventually the most recent files will show what I'm currently thinking about/working on, but at least right now I still have quite a lot of notes in my inbox, so it's probably a hodge podge!

Being a digital garden it's not meant to be viewed hierarchically, though it can be. Instead, it's the links between them (evergreen notes should be densely linked).

Recently modified files

note modified
fandom.com 12:46 PM - December 26, 2023
start, stop, continue 11:25 AM - December 16, 2023
IOLS 6:06 PM - December 11, 2023
birch bark is a good firestarter 6:06 PM - December 11, 2023
GAS Leak 9:41 AM - December 05, 2023
sudoku 12:14 PM - November 02, 2023
chess 10:44 PM - October 31, 2023
lossdotjpg 8:49 AM - October 23, 2023
weekend campout packing list 6:40 PM - September 25, 2023
making a luchador mask 12:42 PM - September 22, 2023
National Youth Leadership Training 11:15 PM - August 18, 2023
VIN 11:18 AM - July 26, 2023
woodland zip tie 10:30 AM - July 26, 2023
knot 10:24 AM - July 26, 2023
overhand knot 10:20 AM - July 26, 2023
daisy chain (knot) 10:19 AM - July 26, 2023
alpine butterfly knot 10:14 AM - July 26, 2023
egyptian rat screw 10:13 AM - July 26, 2023
roasting coffee 10:12 PM - July 18, 2023
command line 10:15 AM - July 06, 2023

  1. PARA Part 2 Operations Manual ↩︎