the only constant is change

And this isn't bad! Change is a normal part of life.

this note needs more!


There’s nothing revelatory about finding that things you cared about in one stage of your life matter less to you in another; there’s nothing inherently significant to it, either. There comes a time in nearly every person’s life when they find that they just don’t enjoy playing Operation as much as they used to.

(There are other people whose passion for a thing never diminishes, and whose personalities are forced to grow into strange gnarled shapes around that devotion. Some of those people will find as they get older that they are in fact profoundly angry that not enough other people talk about how fun and actually important, and even mythic and poetic, the game of Operation is, and who would like to live their lives inside the universe in which Operation and what its box calls its “classic ailments” unfolds. This is why our popular culture is how it is.)

From David Roth[1]

  1. Everything Is Silicon Valley Now ↩︎