Large Group Games


To process

Airplane Race Game

This Game is meant for Cub Scouts.
sheets of paper
Each scout makes a paper airplane.
When all are ready, they line up at the start line.
On 'GO', everyone throws airplane toward the goal line.
Each scout runs to their plane, picks it up, and throws it again from the spot where it landed.
First one across the goal line, wins.

Can play as a relay between dens.

After a couple races, it should be evident which airplane design goes farthest, fastest, and straightest. You could allow a redesign break to make new airplanes and race again.

Frogs and Flies Game

This Game is meant for Cub Scouts.
a version of Wink Murder
Scouts sit in a circle facing inward with one scout in the center - this is the Frogcatcher.
Everyone closes their eyes while the leader walks around the circle and taps one scout on the shoulder. This scout will be the Frog.
On 'Go' signal, everyone opens their eyes and looks around at all the other scouts. They should keep their eyes moving around taking a look at everyone else in the circle.
The FROG's job is to stick their tongue out at a fly to kill it - without letting the Frogcatcher in the center notice.
When a fly notices the frog sticking their tongue out, the fly falls dead immediately.

The Frogcatcher watches the scouts, trying to find the frog. The Frogcatcher gets 3 guesses to determine the frog before the frog eats all the flies.

Then, the Frog becomes the Frogcatcher and a new round starts.

Base Attack Game

tennis balls
Keep an eye out for anyone throwing excessively hard.
The Empire has sent a group of star cruisers to destroy your rebel bases. Your job is to defend your base as long as possible.

If played in a smaller group, one scout is the attacking star cruiser.
If played in a large group, one patrol are the attackers.

The attackers gather at one end of the play area. They are given the tennis balls to use as interstellar missiles. All other players scatter around the play area and stand with their feet spread more than shoulder-width apart. These are the Bases.

A base is destroyed when a tennis ball passes between their legs. They can protect their base by bending at the waist and catching or deflecting thrown tennis balls. They may not bend their knees.

When a base is destroyed, that scout sits down.

Star cruisers can take up to 3 steps while carrying a missile, but only if they make star cruiser noises ( whatever those may be :-) ).

If a star cruiser carrying a missile comes within 10 feet of a base, the gravitational pull will destroy the cruiser. (this is to give the bases a chance.) A destroyed cruiser stands on the sidelines until the round is over.

The last base alive is the attacking star cruiser for the next round, or that scout's patrol becomes the attackers.

Referees along the sidelines may be needed, depending on the trustworthiness of the players.

Capture the Flag – The only equipment you need for this Cub Scout game is hanging around their necks–a neckerchief makes the perfect flag!
It may look like utter chaos when the Scouts are playing Capture the Flag, but they all know what they're doing. They're working together to overcome obstacles to achieve a goal–just like we have to do every day in life.
Break into two teams. Choose boundaries for your play area, then designate a divider to separate the two teams’ “zones.” You’ll also need a designated “jail” (a fire hydrant or tree). Have each team hide their “flag” (the towel or tee). The goal is to find the other team’s flag and bring it back to your own territory. But watch out! If you’re tagged while in the “enemy” zone, you go straight to jail! One of your teammates must tag you to set you free. There’s no limit to how many times you can be thrown in the slammer!

Hot Potato – If you have a small beanbag in your den supply bin and some music on your phone, you're set for the classic Hot Potato game.
• A small beanbag, a raw potato, a ball or a stuffed sock
• Imagination
Arrange everyone in a circle. If just two players, sit facing each other. Pass the beanbag around the circle (or back and forth) to music, pretending that the beanbag is a steaming hot potato. When the music stops, the person holding the beanbag is out. Start the music again and resume the same passing play with the remaining players until the music stops. The last person in the circle is the winner.

When working with Cub Scouts, remember KISMIF – Keep It Simple. Make It Fun.  Sometimes we come up with elaborate or complicated plans when our young Scouts would really be just as happy with something simple.
Red Light Green Light is a great example of this. It is simple and requires no preparation or materials. My Cub Scouts always enjoy these “classic” playground games. And surprisingly, you might find one or two in your den who have never played it.
This would go well with any “travel” themed meeting. Most of you will know how to play this game, but here are the instructions just in case.
Red Light Green Light
• None!
• None!
1. Choose somebody to be “It”. The person who is It is the Traffic Light.
2. Everyone else should start in a line about 20 feet away from the Traffic Light.
3. The Traffic Light should face with his back to the group and shout “Green Light”. Everyone can start running toward the Traffic Light.
4. The Traffic Light shouts “Red Light” and faces the group. Anyone the Traffic Light catches still running is out.
5. The Traffic Light continues to alternate turning away from the group and shouting “Green Light” and turning toward the group and shouting “Red Light”, with anyone getting caught running on a red light being out.
6. The first person to tag the Traffic Light wins and gets to be Traffic Light for the next round.
• There are many local variations of this game. Make sure everyone agrees on the rules before you start.
• Don’t run to fast or you won’t be able to stop when the Traffic Light says “Red Light”.
• The Traffic Light must completely say “Red Light” before turning around. This gives everyone a second to stop.
Other games:

Saran Wrap Ball Game:

This is a great word game that is very challenging. The leader starts off and says, "I'm going on a camping trap and I'm bringing X". The X has to be an item that begins with the first letter of your first name. Example: I'm going on a camping trip and I'm bringing a Canoe. Who wants to come? You can pick a scout who raises his hand and he as to repeat what you said, "I'm going on a camping trip and I'm bringing---." If his name is Joey and he says he's bringing a sleeping bag. You reply, "Sorry Joey, you can't go." Then you repeat the line, (example) "I'm going on a camping trip and I'm bringing some Coffee. Who wants to go?" If the scout says he's brining something that starts with the first letter of his first name, then you say, "Okay, you can go." Sooner or later a few kids will catch on. This is a challenging game that can be played for weeks on end.

Other options:

  • start with the first letter of the last word
  • Number of vowels?
  • Length of word
  • double letters next to each other (ex. You could bring a book but not a novel)
  • first letter
  • plurals
  • double letters but not next to each other
  • "Hundred artichokes" for JHA, "Nice Puppy" for NPC: two of the letters

Spaghetti and Marshmallow Towers: (den Meeting, pack night)

Goal: Build the tallest tower
Preparation: - Dry Spaghetti – Marshmallows

Sharks & Minnows: Divide group evenly. One team is the sharks and one is the minnows and they need to get from one end of the area to the other without getting tagged. You can create safety zones along the way such as one hand on a plastic garbage can means your safe, or one foot inside a circle drawn on the floor.
