puppy training

"Off" is off of me. "Down" is down in the floor like lay down

Sit before eating

Sit before opening the door to go in/out. You go through first or at the same time.

20 min to eat then pick it up

"Come" means come to you, "let's go" is for moving on walks.

The leash shouldn't be tight. Give it a quick tug, not hard, and an "uh uh", praising them when they walk with it loose.

Practice handling 3x/week: touching their body like you're looking for ticks, they're at the vet, etc.

Take it

Down. Start luring. Then delay treat. Then from standing. Then from farther away. Like one step a week.

Leave it. From hand then floor. Then put them away, make a pile or two of things they shouldn't take.

Cant flirt (rub), bite, lunge, etc. l

Leave it CANNOT be toys. Other dogs, kids, etc can be. Cant go back and forth with objects.

A dog can be aggressive without baring teeth. Tense muscles, staring at something intently. Tail straight up, not moving. Etc.

"Come" is the hardest thing to do. Takes much more work than others. Give all three types of dog praise

To wean off treats for doing things, don't do it predictably: only half the time, then all the time, then 1/4 the time, then only mornings, etc etc etc.