Prince Buster - Fly Flying Ska (1964)

Prince Buster - Fly Flying Ska (1964)

The version of this album on Apple Music was definitely sourced from a slightly beat up vinyl record, which is interesting. Pops and almost skips abound. (Apple has also characterized both this and Never Grow Old as reggae)

I'm really enjoying this album so far! "Perhaps" almost sounds like it could be Polish polka. I just had a galaxy brain moment about that, excuse me. I bet there's a certain flavor of racist who would really like this until you told them a black person made it.

"Eye For An Eye"'s intro sounds very familiar. Has another artist covered this? This is a solid album. Still not my usual, really, but maybe it will be that soon? I look forward to my brain being re-written by ska.

"The Greatest" is absolutely a song Kanye West would have written in 1964, this song rules.