The Specials - The Specials (1979)

The Specials - The Specials (1979)

Oh, so this is why people associate ska with suits and checkerboard patterns, huh?

And "Gangsters" sounds more or less exactly what I would expect "ska" to sound like. We've also got a fairly big jump in years, which I suppose makes sense as we progress from first wave ska to second wave ska. And, as promised, a bunch of covers of first wave songs.

"A Message To You, Rudy" kind of feels like it needs a kick in the pants to it speed up a bit. And then "Do the Dog" sounds like Sandinista! The Clash progressed to Give Em Enough Rope instead of the other way around (I know I'm sidestepping London Calling).

Aw fuck I like ska now. Here we are. I want this album on vinyl (ironic, because I have a new record I haven't listened to because of this pilgrimage).

The toms on "Concrete Jungle". And is the theme on "Little Bitch" used in another song? Is it covered by a third wave ska band?