foil packet cooking

Taught by Vu Pham


Food Time (minutes)
Hamburger 15-20
Chicken (pieces) 20-30
Hot dogs 5-10
Pork chops 30-40
Carrots 15-20
Ear of corn 6-10
Potatoes (whole) 45-60
Potatoes (slices) 10-15
Apples (whole) 20-30

Other ideas

Thanksgiving meal

Wrap and cook ~40 min

Baked apple

Wrap and cook ~20 min


Seal edges with room for it to expand.

Tie to stick with a string and hold over coals, shaking constantly


Wrap and cook 5-10 minutes

Orange surprise

Wrap in three layers, cook for 15 min. Let cool.

Stick bread

foil packet smores

Use thick foil!