An PKM system from Tiago Forte[1].

How does this fit in with the non-heirarchical structure many people use with Obsidian/PKM systems? Are they at odds? #refine


the flow between steps


a series of tasks linked to a goal, with a deadline

SMART goals. Define the goal! Meant to be completed and moved to the archive frequently.

Projects typically relate to an area of responsibility but do not have to. They should be actionable: how can you make progress on "finances"? That's an Area.


The bottom line here is, define your projects, or they will define you. You’ll be constantly pulled and pushed into the projects of others, and find that even when others offer to help you with yours, you won’t even know what they are.


a sphere of activity with a standard to be maintained over time

Essentially, categories of your life where you have responsibilities. The "standard" part is important, and is only defined by you: if you feel as though you aren't keeping up your standards, make a project to get back on track. "Responsibility" is also important: if it's only an interest, it's a resource.

Because of this, areas of responsibility should be specific: not "Personal", because how do you judge if you're living up to your standards of "Personal"? Instead, "Finances", "Spouse", etc.


a project without a corresponding goal is known as a “hobby" . . . . if you have a goal without a corresponding project, that’s called a “dream".

Remember: separate actionable items from non actionable. This will allow you to work on what matters.


a topic or theme of ongoing interest

Research and other notes about things that interest you. They're concepts, not projects.


put personally relevant information in Areas, and generally useful information in Resources



inactive items from the other three categories [of PARA]

When you're done with a project, or an area of responsibility no longer applies, it can be archived. It still has value, and could have information that could be used in future projects.

Before archiving, check for anything that could be moved to resources.

Additionally, having a list of completed projects can help with performance reviews.

  1. The PARA Method A Universal System for Organizing Digital Information ↩︎ ↩︎