Cold Weather Training



Dan McCartan, Michael Simkins, Ron Krawczyk, Jim Pankow, others



Cold Weather Safety / Winter Weather Safety

The prereq to Okpik

Staying warm inside: take off your outer layers. Need to be able to put things on to warm up, and air to dry out wet things.


Anything below 50* fahrenheit


Guide to Safe Scouting

Guide to Safe Scouting#^42857f

First aid

  1. Plan ahead and prepare (Know before you go)

cold weather first aid

Wear head protection when sledding (per Guide to Safe Scouting)

>= 6" ice when going ice fishing



cold weather menu planning

cold weather cooking

Carbs. Cellulose (fiber) isn't digestible and helps move food through you. 4 cal/g

Protein requires extra water because of the energy spent while digesting. 4 cal/g

Fats are storage; calorie rich. 9 cal/g

3 oz of liquid fuel / meal / person


"Winter camping is gear intensive"

avoid single use tools

water filtration system (water filters will freeze)

cold weather sleep system

On a budget: Army Navy Surplus, thrift stores, Sportsman's Guide
Put a tarp over the tent to increase its r value

ventilate your tent

cold weather sleeping comfort


On a budget, Kohls! (tekgear)

cold weather clothing


A piece of insulation to stand on (foam, even cardboard)

"Wind pants"

When buying gear, to not spend a ton of money, figure out your weakest link and fix that


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