NewRelic monitoring of .net service four golden signals
is when you don't have anything more specific in the Metrics
for extracting from compound data types
SELECT average(newrelic.timeslice.value) AS `Threadpool/Worker/Available` FROM Metric WHERE metricTimesliceName = 'Threadpool/Worker/Available' AND `entity.guid` = 'MTY1MDc0NXxBUE18QVBQTElDQVRJT058NjM5NDg5MjQ5' facet host.displayName SINCE 1633977000000 UNTIL 1634070602496 TIMESERIES
percewntile databaseDurationm
SELECT average(((totalTime OR duration OR 0) + (queueDuration OR 0) OR 0) * 1000) AS 'Response time' FROM Transaction WHERE appName
= 'Easy Pass BFF Service (Production)' TIMESERIES SINCE thursday until friday