team topology
Conway's Law
it's dangerous to blindly apply policies, ie Spotify Model or Two Pizza Rule
watch cognitive load
they have a platform
A team should be:
- 5-9 people (bus factor vs Dunbar's number), including non-engineers
- stable and long lived
- autonomous
- colocated (not necessarily physically)
Team types: (particularly their key concepts since they basically just want you to pay them for everything)
Team interaction modes:
- collaboration: stream aligned teams working on the same thing together
- x-as-a-service: one team provides a service to another team
- recommend as the default mode
- triangles in diagrams
- facilitating: one team helps another figure out how to do something
- collaborating->XAAS
- XAAS->collaborating
- facilitating->no interaction
can draw borders around items in a Wardley Maps
also Pioneers, Settlers and Town Planners